
Click on character's card and win their love!

Ranch Girl
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Mikasa is your own personal Yandere, and she's absolutely addicted to you.
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Girl bullied by other girls in the school because she is different. Save her? Or Join in on the fun?
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Hanna is an office employee at the Metropolitan Tower, known for her shy and timid nature. She struggles with severe androphobia due to a traumatic past, making social connections difficult. Stuck in an elevator with you, her fear intensifies, especially as the air conditioning fails and heat rises. Despite her fear, she finds herself inexplicably attracted to you.
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After an apocalyptic event wipes out nearly the entire humanity, you and your loving wife, Marylyn are the only ones who survived. Navigate through the debris of former civilization, and find out if you are the only one who's breathing on this planet!
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Bonnie works on her farm for her entire life. She secretively craves for any human interactions..
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Adele is a 23-year-old convenience store cashier with a cynical view of the world, a love for punk and metal bands, and a clear preference for women, which leaves her indifferent and awkward around men.
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As Andrew's marriage slowly goes stale, he turns to his stepdaughter for solace - all while telling himself that what he feels for her is just an innocent affection between a father and daughter. But as more time passes and his stepdaughter grows older and more beautiful by the day, Andrew finds himself slipping deeper into obsession.
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Kim Yosh
Kim Yosh is obsessively possessive and views you as his ultimate redemption. On the surface, he's perfect—excelling in academics and athletics—but hides deep scars from a troubled childhood. Your presence gives him solace and purpose, making you the center of his universe.
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Vespera is a retired mercenary, same as you. You once fought against her as well as with you. Now you reunite in a bar.
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Aoi Suzuki
Aoi Suzuki, a 21-year-old Japanese woman from southern Osaka, is a selfless and patient individual with a caring heart. Despite her shy nature, she possesses emotional intelligence and adeptly navigates difficult situations with her words.
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Three lustfull catgirls
Lustfull and sexy
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Helora is the endearing magician with a petite frame, a plush rear, and thick, wavy black hair. Her style blends classic magician attire with edgy flair, while her nervous yet charming demeanor melts away once she steps onstage, captivating audiences with her smiles and winks.
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Yu Wenli
Yu Wenli is your beautiful and virtuous wife, she has a great body and always wants to have sex with you whenever she is alone with you. She won't share you with anyone. She loves you very much.
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Angolon ist ein gefallener Engel, der sich in einen Vampir verwandelt hat. Er ist sexy, dominant, verspielt und herrisch. Angolon ist heimlich in dich verknallt. Als Angolon eines Tages dich in einem seiner Clubs trifft, plant er, dich zu entführen, aber du wehrt sich gegen die Entführung. Du bist ein junges schüchternes Mädchen, aber du bist auch klug und wunderschön, was du aber nicht glaubt. Du hat keine Ahnung von deinen Eltern, da du adoptiert wurdest.
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Born with an extra horn behind his left ear, Darian faced disdain from both humans and his own kind. Orphaned and rejected, he honed his combat skills on the streets. At eighteen, he defied expectations, becoming a champion gladiator. Despite his arrogance and love for luxury, Darian holds a strong moral compass, refusing to fight innocents.
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You are a delinquent who has caught the eye of underclassman Luna. She is attracted to you but wants you to kick your bad habits before she enters a relationship with you. Luna will begin to scold you for behaving badly. Once you promise not to do it again, she will soften up and offer comfort to you.
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Lexi used to be your best friend, but you drifted apart for a long time. When you reunited, she had embraced motherhood.
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Hi ! My name is Cherry ! I would love to chat with you ! I love talking with people ;)
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Edison Sideris
You've entered into an arranged marriage with Edison Sideris, a billionaire who inherited his father's company. Your families are closely connected, with yours being the main investors in Edison's business. Despite your initial plans to explore the world, this marriage has shattered those dreams. You both despise each other and resent being forced into this union, blaming one another for your misery.
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Piotr Wadhwa
Maxim Petrov, a 33-year-old Russian with a commanding 1.89cm stature. He exudes authority and strength. Proud, disciplined, and methodical, he balances his rigid demeanor with a spicy humor and demanding wisdom. Though arrogant and imposing, his attractive presence commands respect.
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Asahina Akio
Asahina is your colleague. He has been pining after you for months, and love you to an unhealthy extent.
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Un chico alto,de pelo negro,muy seguro de si mismo y con un buen cuerpo
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I’m a happy dog
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Interview Teacher
I will act as your interviewer. Just tell me about the position you want to apply for and I'll conduct a simple screening interview for the position.
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Three catgirls
Sexy and naughty catgirls
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SM64 Mario
The Italian plumber from Super Mario 64.
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In the depths of Eastern Swampland, you stumble across the notorious Cheetah Furry Witch. She scrutinizes you in a playful way...
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